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Origin: New York City, NY () Current line-up. Eric: Vocals, Guitar Del Cheetah: Bass J-Bomb: Drums Contact Information: Sex Slaves Music South 5th St.

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Description:As "destined," Kelly and I moved into a run-down old trailer on Houston's property, which adjoined Jack Greene's farm in Goodletsville, Tennessee. It's an early Sex Slaves jam, ironically just re-released by the band right around the time I put out Ritual Dance. His travels had expanded to accommodate covert drug and money laundering operations across the U. Instead, we were slipped a drug and taken "on a tour" of Union Station, Nashville's then abandoned train station, where supposedly the only train still running through there was the Freedom Train.

Views: 8523 Date: 2018-07-27 Favorited: 16 favorites

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