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If you have the same life style, we may have a quality moments together. Are you a couple looking to experiment or spice up. Having worked in a corporate environment on management position for several years made me very tired and I realized it is not the job I wish to continue at - nowadays escorting gives me freedom and joy to meet gentlemen from different backgrounds and various parts of the world on one hand and to focus on my time the way I wish to on the other hand I not only beautiful but intelligent charming and a delightful warm friendly personality I'm a in my late s, brunette, sizeblack hair and green eyes with a ff natural bust hi guys :) i am a student in sofia and i love to play naughty.

We can spend wonderful time together. I love to go out and enjoy fine dining with a candle lights and stimulating conversation. Tel Aviv and near area, guys, I'm kinda lonely and need some company.

Views: 2798 Date: 2018-07-26 Favorited: 58 favorites

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