Ernest cole house of bondage

Buy House of Bondage. A South African Black Man Exposes in his own pictures and words the bitter life of his homeland First edition by Ernest Cole, Thomas.

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Ernest Cole, photographer of apartheid

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Ernest Cole. House of Bondage. Not yet published. First published in the United States in and in Britain in , House of Bondage presented images from .

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In the Collection: Ernest Cole

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Description:Listen Ernest Cole — grew up in a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Pretoria. He began photographing in his teens and worked as an assistant to a photographer at the picture magazine Drum in Johannesburg. His classification as coloured, rather than black, was a crucial distinction in the apartheid system of South Africa at the time. It meant that he had more freedom to go where he wanted and take freelance assignments as a photographer for various magazines and newspapers. In the early s, he engaged systematically in documenting the life of the black population under the shadow of racist segregation. He was inspired by the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and his book about people in Moscow.

Views: 3550 Date: 2018-05-19 Favorited: 98 favorites

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Good show .
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Where is the audio?